Maximise gym revenue
Maximise gym revenue
Maximise gym revenue with
automated member engagement
with automated member engagement
with member engagement automation
Try for free. Get revenue uplift of 20%.
Try for free. Get revenue uplift of 20%.
An AI powered engagement platform
integrated with gym and health software
An AI powered engagement platform
integrated with gym and health software
Customers & partners
Increase sales, retention, upsell and staff productivity
Increase sales, retention, upsell and staff productivity
How it helps you

Create effective campaigns
Create effective campaigns
More effective campaigns
Set up campaigns in a matter of clicks with AI based recommendation and content generation across Whatsapp, SMS, email and in app.
Set up campaigns in a matter of clicks with AI based recommendation and content generation across Whatsapp, SMS, email and in app.
Set up campaigns in a matter of clicks across Whatsapp, SMS, email and in app.
Convert more leads
Convert more leads
Convert more leads
Campaign recommendation and automation based on predicted lead value in order to continually improve sales conversion rate.
Campaign recommendation and automation based on predicted lead value in order to continually improve sales conversion rate.
Recommendation and automation to continually improve sales conversion.

Reduce churn
Reduce churn
Reduce churn
Predictive analytics to identify churn, combined with personalised, automated journey management to increase retention and member lifetime value.
Predictive analytics to identify churn, combined with personalised, automated journey management to increase retention and member lifetime value.
Churn prediction coupled with journey management to increase lifetime value.
Optimise pricing
Optimise pricing
Optimise pricing
Use market intelligence to improve pricing sophistication and run A/B tests to understand revenue impact.
Use market intelligence to improve pricing sophistication and run A/B tests to understand revenue impact.
Market intelligence to improve pricing sophistication.

Customer testimonials
Improving sales conversion
Stretch software is focused on improving our sales conversion by ensuring leads get the right communications at the right time
George Lowe
CEO, Milo and the bull
Invaluable experience
The team at Stretch bring a wealth of valuable industry experience to the table
Charles Tantram
Director, Urban fitness
Enhanced member experience
From our experience we know how important it is for a gym to use data to enhance member experience
Rupert Mackenzie Hill
CEO, Kiss Gyms
Impact on sales and retention
The solution is innovative and can have a major impact on gym sales and retention
Sohail Rashid
CEO, Brawn
Member personalisation a priority
Stretch approach of using data to improve member personalisation is a real priority for our sector
Dave Gerrish
Strategic Lead Digital, UKActive
Improving sales conversion
Stretch software is focused on improving our sales conversion by ensuring leads get the right communications at the right time

George Lowe
CEO, Milo and the bull
Invaluable experience
The team at Stretch bring a wealth of valuable industry experience to the table

Charles Tantram
Director, Urban fitness
Enhanced member experience
From our experience we know how important it is for a gym to use data to enhance member experience

Rupert Mackenzie Hill
CEO, Kiss Gyms
Impact on sales and retention
The solution is innovative and can have a major impact on gym sales and retention
Sohail Rashid
CEO, Brawn
Member personalisation a priority
Stretch approach of using data to improve member personalisation is a real priority for our sector
Dave Gerrish
Strategic Lead Digital, UKActive
Maximise revenue. Try for free.
© 2023 STRETCH
© 2023 STRETCH
© 2023 STRETCH